The International Review of Contemporary Law is the legal journal published by IADL.

CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS: Upcoming issues on the 80th anniversary of the UN Charter and Climate and Social Justice

IADL International Review of Contemporary Law: Editorial Policy

The IADL International Review of Contemporary Law (IADL Review) is an online journal published three to four times a year by the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL). A majority of the Editorial Board members participating in an IADL Review meeting decides on article acceptance. The IADL Editorial Board collectively decides on article acceptance. Authors are not included in Editorial Board communications. Authors must follow academic rules, and articles should not exceed 5,000 words. A short biography and an abstract should accompany the article, and submissions must be sent to

Publication is not guaranteed, and the Editorial Board may request revisions in line with IADL’s aims and principles. The Board reserves the right to refuse publication if requested changes are not made. All articles published in the IADL Review reflect the position of their author and not necessarily the position of the journal, or of the IADL.

For a full understanding of the IADL Review’s rules and principles, please refer to the complete Editorial Policy, which is available for consultation here.

Editorial Board:

Evelyn Dürmayer (Editor-in-Chief)

Miguel Almeida                                       Tibor Bajnovič

Yasmine Bennamani                                 Robert Charvin

Jan Fermon                                              Kathy Johnson

Charlotte Kates                                        Joe Latimer

Dinorah la Luz                                         Jeanne Mirer

Sabah al Mukhtar                                    Osamu Niikura

Walid Okais                                             Şerife Ceren Uysal

Further Resources: