April 27 PRESS CONFERENCE: International Commission of Legal Experts Release Report on Racist...

Finds US Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity and Other Violations of International Law Event: Press conference for launch of the Report of the International Commission of...

5 April, Online Event: International Memorial Event for Ebru Timtik — A life...

International Memorial Event for Ebru Timtik: A life dedicated to the struggle 5 April 2021 18.30 pm (CEST) - 19.30 pm (TR) (12:30 pm Eastern/9:30 am Pacific) Registration...

16 March, Online Event: Investigate PH First Report — Official Public Release

Hear from Jeanne Mirer, President of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, and Suzanne Adely, President-Elect of the National Lawyers Guild (both co-chairs of...

March 17: Commission of Inquiry on Systemic Racist Police Violence: Reflections and Next Steps

  Commission of Inquiry on Systemic Racist Police Violence: Reflections and Next Steps Wednesday, March 17 1 pm Eastern time - 6 pm in Geneva (10 am...

23 de marzo/23 March: #CSW65 parallel event/evento paralelo

#CSW65 Parallel event/Evento paralelo: Derechos reproductivos, aborto legal y educación sexual integral in Latinoamérica (Reproductive rights, legal abortion and comprehensive sexual education in Latin...

Join the global launch of #InvestigatePH – January 26 and 28, 2021

Join the global launch of #InvestigatePH  January 26, 2021 - Europe and North America: REGISTER NOW: https://www.investigate.ph/media/north-america-europe-debut January 28, 2021 - Asia Pacific: REGISTER NOW: https://www.investigate.ph/media/asia-pacific-debut Despite increasing...

George Floyd, Jacob Blake, Tamir Rice, many more: This week’s hearings at the International...

Please join us this morning, Monday, January 25 at the online hearings of the International Commission of Inquiry on Systemic Racist Police Violence against People...

January 9, IADL/NLG Webinar: War Crimes and the U.S. Occupation of Hawai‘i with Dr....

Saturday, January 9, 2021 10am – 1pm Hawai‘i/12 – 3pm Pacific/3 – 6pm Eastern (8 – 11pm UTC) Register to join over Zoom: https://bit.ly/hawaiioccupation Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/3519049134808762 As...

November 30, Online Webinar: AFRICOM & U.S. Militarism in Africa with Prof. Horace Campbell

Monday, November 30 1 pm Pacific/4 pm Eastern (9 pm UTC) Register to join over Zoom: https://bit.ly/africomwebinar Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/187225456278951   The United States Africa Command, or AFRICOM, was...

Video: Perfecting Liberation: Legacies of Colonialism in Algeria and South Africa – Lessons for...

The video of the webinar held on 1 November 2020 by the IADL, the Global Justice and Human Rights Law Network and the National...