UN Office of High Commissioner issues report on systemic racism in policing, calls for...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-2gFJ8VsoM On June 8, 2020, the families of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Michael Brown and Philando Castile, together with more than 600 rights groups, petitioned...

Lessons and challenges on access to remedies: Transnational corporations and human rights

The following oral statement was made to the UN Intergovernmental Working Group on the proposed treaty on transnational corporations and human rights by Julia...

November 3, People’s Academy of International Law — The Charter of the United Nations:...

LAUNCHING THE PEOPLE’S ACADEMY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW Register for our first class!  Friday, November 3 9 am PT – 12 pm ET – 4 pm UTC Interpretation available...

IADL statement on human rights in Ukraine presented at UN Human Rights Council

The following statement on human rights in Ukraine was presented to the UN Human Rights Council by Micol Savia, the representative of the International...

La AIJD insta al Consejo de Derechos Humanos a seguir dialogando con Venezuela y...

La Asociación Internacional de Juristas Demócratas (AIJD) expresa su más profunda preocupación por la falta de debate que hubo el lunes entorno al informe del Experto Independiente...

IADL oral statement on Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab Territories...

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) reiterates its deep concern over Israel's lack of cooperation with United Nations bodies and mechanisms. Mr. Wibisono's...

IADL UN Activities Bulletin – November 2016

The November 2016 report of UN Activities from the International Association of Democratic Lawyers contains reports from IADL representatives in Geneva, New York, Paris, and...

7 July 2021 – Migratory flows in the Americas/Flujos migratorios en las Américas

We encourage you to join us for this side event on Wednesday, July 7, organized together with our colleagues at the American Association of...

59 International Organizations Call Upon UN to Remedy Human Rights Violations in Pre-Charge Detention...

  Groups Submit Reports to UN Universal Periodic Review Citing Sweden’s Human Rights & Procedural Violations in Treatment of Julian Assange Geneva, Switzerland - Before the United...

December 6, Class 1B, People’s Academy of International Law — The UN Charter and...

The People's Academy of International Law REGISTER NOW FOR CLASS 1B! The UN Charter: Global conflict resolution, Legal challenges to war, and TWAIL critiques 9 am PT...