AAJ: Rejecting the “Lima Group” on Venezuela: No to empires and colonies

The following statement was issued by the American Association of Jurists, a Non-Governmental Organization with consultative status before the ECOSOC and permanent representation before...

Ukrainian Democratic Lawyers analysis of new electoral code of Ukraine

The following analysis of the Election Code of Ukraine was developed by the Ukrainian Association of Democratic Lawyers, a member association of the IADL....

NUPL “drawing the line” against red-tagging and impunity

IADL is sharing the following media advisory from our member association in the Philippines, the National Union of People's Lawyers (NUPL):  The National Union of...

IADL/COLAP fact-finding commission releases final report on “Waitresses Case”

An International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) and the Confederation of Lawyers of Asia and the Pacific (COLAP) fact-finding commission released the final report...

APJD: Dia do advogado em perigo – A Grave situação na Turquia

Associação Portuguesa de Juristas Democratas Assinala-se hoje dia 24 de Janeiro o Dia do Advogado em Perigo. Esta data pretende relembrar o massacre...

Call for Intervention before It is too Late: PCHR Warns that Gaza’s Healthcare System...

The following statement is republished from the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, an IADL member association: Ref: 22/2020  The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) follows...

National Union of People’s Lawyers of the Philippines concludes Fifth Congress

The National Union of People's Lawyers in the Philippines, an IADL member organization, convened its Fifth Congress on 19 October 2019. The NUPL has...

COLAP Statement on the Philippine Anti-Terror Bill

The Anti-Terror Bill in the Philippines Violates Human Rights and Due Process of Law The Confederation of Lawyers in Asia and the Pacific  or COLAP,...

NADEL supports the democratically elected Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro Moros and condemns the attempted...

The National Association of Democratic Lawyers (NADEL) denounces the actions of imperialist powers that continue to seek regime change in the Bolivarian Republic of...

September 14: Global Day of Action on the Philippines #StopTheKillingsPH

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers is joining with many organizations in the Philippines and internationally to call for September 14, the Global Day...