Edre Olalia: How my friend became another victim of Duterte’s fight against rights defenders

The following article by Edre U. Olalia, president of the National Union of People's Lawyers of the Philippines and member if the IADL Bureau,...

Press conference in Italy highlights dramatic repression facing lawyers in Turkey

The Giuristi Democratici (Italian Democratic Jurists), an IADL member organization, organized a press conference together with the National Bar Association and the Union of...

COLAP Statement on Rohingya Myanmar Issue

Confederation of Lawyers of Asia and Pacific (COLAP) expresses its serious concern on recent situation in Myanmar and gross violation of Human Rights over...

IADL resolution against violations of academic freedom in Japan

The following resolution was adopted by the International Association of Democratic Lawyers Council meeting on 25 October 2020:  IADL RESOLUTION CONDEMNING JAPANESE GOVERNMENT’S INTERVENTION IN...

NUPL: Day of the Endangered Lawyer

The following statement was issued by the National Union of People's Lawyers in the Philippines, an IADL member organization: Today, the Day of the...

COLAP and IADL Statement on the Panmunjom Declaration

The Confederation of Lawyers of Asia and the Pacific (COLAP) and International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) welcome the "Panmunjom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity...

NUPL: Attack on Lawyers Anywhere is an Attack on Lawyers Everywhere

Statement of National Union of Peoples’ Lawyers on the Day of the Endangered Lawyer ATTACKS ON LAWYERS ANYWHERE IS AN ATTACK ON LAWYERS EVERYWHERE ​Today, on...

Statement of Solidarity to the CHD (Turkey) from the IADL

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers sent the following letter to the Progressive Lawyers' Association (CHD) of Turkey on the occasion of its general...

JALISA hosts Philippines farmers’ union leader on tour exposing extrajudicial killings

As a follow-up activity of the IADL/COLAP resolution on the extrajudicial killings in the Philippines, Japan Lawyers International Solidarity Association (JALISA), the IADL member...

COLAP : Bali Declaration of the International Conference on West Pacific Zone of Peace

COLAP (Confederation of Lawyers of Asia and the Pacific)'s Bali Declaration of the International Conference on West Pacific Zone of Peace was issued and...