Resolution: IADL Urges President Biden to Remove Cuba from Terrorism List and Suspend Titles...

The following resolution was adopted by the IADL Council, meeting in virtual session, on Sunday, 24 January 2021. This resolution builds on IADL's and...

Video: Webinar on War Crimes and the U.S. Occupation of Hawai‘i with Dr. Keanu...

On Saturday, January 9, the International Association of Democratic Lawyers and the National Lawyers Guild (U.S.) International Committee hosted a webinar on war crimes,...

International Commission of Inquiry to Open Hearings on Racist Police Violence in the US...

(Thursday, January 7, 2021) -- The National Conference of Black Lawyers (NCBL), the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) and the National Lawyers Guild...

IADL resolution on human rights in the Philippines and attacks on people’s lawyers

The following resolution was adopted on 25 October 2020, during the Council meeting of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers: OMNIBUS RESOLUTION ON THE DETERIORATING HUMAN...

IADL: U.S. sanctions targeting International Criminal Court are an outrage against international justice

On 2 September 2020, U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo announced the imposition of sanctions on Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda and prosecution jurisdiction director for...

IADL and NLG file amicus brief in Donziger case, highlighting corporate impunity and human...

An amicus brief was filed today by the National Lawyers Guild and International Association of Democratic Lawyers in the Second Circuit on behalf of...

Submit a petition to Turkish courts to free imprisoned lawyers

On 1 June 2020, 365 lawyers from 21 countries addressed petitions in four languages to the Court of Cassation of Turkey, calling for the...

Sign on: Demand a fair trial for Ebru Timtik, Aytaç Ünsal and imprisoned lawyers...

Lawyers in Turkey are facing harsh repression. 18 lawyers, members of the Progressive Lawyers' Association (ÇHD) in Turkey - an affiliate of the International...

Over 475 lawyers, legal organizations and human rights defenders support lawyer Steven Donziger

NEW YORK, May 18 - Over 75 organizations, including international legal organizations and major human rights networks, signed on to an open letter released...

IADL statement on COVID-19: Lift all unilateral coercive measures

Read online: English | Spanish | French | Portuguese Download PDF of statement in: English | Spanish | French | Portuguese THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DEMOCRATIC...