Carta a la Alta Comisionada por los Derechos Humanos de la ONU sobre situación...

Varias organizaciones de juristas, ONGs, movimientos sociales y sindicales de diferentes regiones del mundo escribieron a la Alta Comisionada por los Derechos Humanos de...

IADL resolution in support of Enrique Santiago Romero

The following resolution was adopted by the International Association of Democratic Lawyers Council meeting on 25 October 2020:  RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF ENRIQUE SANTIAGO ROMERO The...

International Fair Trial Day and the Ebru Timtik Award: Hold the Date – 14...

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers is part of the steering committee and the group of initiating organisations for this important initiative. We invite...

January 26, Online Launch of the Monique and Roland Weyl People’s Academy of International...

Please join us for the webinar launch of... The Monique and Roland Weyl PEOPLE'S ACADEMY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW   Thursday, January 26 1 pm UTC (5 am PT, 8...

IADL Resolution: Free Palestine Action Prisoners and Divest from Elbit Systems

International Association of Democratic Lawyers Resolution to Free Palestine Actionists and Divest from Elbit Systems Whereas, 6 Palestine Action activists are currently imprisoned in Britain...

June 14, Manila, in-person and online: Invitation to the International Fair Trial Day Conference and...

Save the Date and Register International Fair Trial Day Conference and the Ebru Timtik Award Ceremony 14 June 2024, 10:00 – 17:30 PHT /16.00 – 23.30 CET/ 3pm...

IADL opposes military force against Iran and Syria

IADL is dedicated to uphold international law, particularly the peaceful resolution of disputes as set forth in the UN Charter and basic human rights instruments. IADL...

IADL finds new decision in the Cuban 5 Case a Politically Motivated Travesty of...

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) Finds the June 4th 2008 holding of The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals Decision in the Cuban...

Philippines: Attacks on lawyers

Excerpt from Repression & Resistance, The Filipino People vs Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, George W. Bush, et. al., Permanent Peoples' Tribunal Second Session on the Philippines,...

Hanoi Peace Appeal

In March 2010 we will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the historic "Stockholm Appeal," which recalled the criminal character of nuclear weapons and declared that...