IADL condemns U.S. revocation of ICC chief prosecutor’s visa

The following resolution was passed by the IADL Bureau meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on 6 April 2019: The International Association of Democratic Lawyers expresses...

IADL urges continued protection for Julian Assange, freedom for Chelsea Manning

The following resolution was passed by the IADL Bureau meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on 6 April 2019: The International Association of Democratic Lawyers expresses...

IADL International Appeal to Recognize Lula as a Political Prisoner and Win His Freedom

April 7th, 2019 marks the first anniversary of the imprisonment of Luis Ignacio Lula de Silva in Brazil, sentenced to 12 years in prison...

On Day of the Lawyer: IADL stands in solidarity with imprisoned lawyers in Turkey...

On 5 April, the Day of the Lawyer in Turkey, the International Association of Democratic Lawyers stood in solidarity with imprisoned colleagues in Turkey....

Press conference in Italy highlights dramatic repression facing lawyers in Turkey

The Giuristi Democratici (Italian Democratic Jurists), an IADL member organization, organized a press conference together with the National Bar Association and the Union of...

Portuguese Association of Democratic Jurists convenes national assembly, adopts resolutions

The Portuguese Association of Democratic Jurists (APDJ), a member organization of the IADL, held its general assembly on 30 March 2019, where it elected...

IADL UN Activities Bulletin – April 2019

The latest April 2019 Bulletin of UN Activities of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers includes an update on the trial against Turkish lawyers...

IADL joins delegation observing political prosecutions of progressive lawyers in Turkey

Fabio Marcelli of the Italian Democratic Jurists' Association and a member of the Bureau of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) participated on 18 March...

Salute to IADL cofounder and First Vice President Roland Weyl on his 100th birthday

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers joins with its member association, the Portuguese Association of Democratic Jurists (APDJ) in greeting our co-founder and First...

Attempts to prosecute Julian Assange on account of his publishing activities set a dangerous...

For more than 8 years, WikiLeaks’ founder and editor, Julian Assange has been under various forms of restrictions upon his liberty without charge in...