2 April, virtual meeting: Imprisoned lawyers in Turkey – how can we show solidarity?

5th April will be the 60th day of hunger strikes for four Turkish lawyers in prison for defending their clients. Join us to hear about their case and to find out how we can show international solidarity in the time of Corona.

7 March, CSW67 Information Day, Bridging the gender gap in rural mountainous regions

Bridging the gender gap in rural mountainous regions - challenges: digitalization as one opportunity Information Day under the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67) 7th March...

Statement of Solidarity to the CHD (Turkey) from the IADL

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers sent the following letter to the Progressive Lawyers' Association (CHD) of Turkey on the occasion of its general...

September 14: Global Day of Action on the Philippines #StopTheKillingsPH

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers is joining with many organizations in the Philippines and internationally to call for September 14, the Global Day...

End the criminalisation of refugees and human rights defenders! IADL/ELDH events in Vienna

Report on IADL/ELDH events in Vienna on 23 May 2019 The 23 May saw the IADL, in collaboration with ELDH and other organisations, hold 2...

April 11 — Register: United Nations Main Subsidiary Organs and Specialized Agencies (UNRWA, UNHRC,...

United Nations Main Subsidiary Organs and Specialized Agencies (UNRWA, UNHRC, UNESCO) Course 3A of the Monique and Roland Weyl People's Academy of International Law. REGISTER NOW! Thursday, April...

Urgent Declaration in Defense of Democracy, the Rule of Law and the Right to...

URGENT DECLARATION In Defense of Democracy, the Rule of Law, and the Right to a Dignified Life:  STOP the Criminalization of Social Protests and...

Open Letter to Paris Court of Appeal on Agent Orange accountability case

The following open letter was sent from IADL to the Paris Court of Appeal, which will hear the case brought by Vietnamese victims of...

Carta a la Alta Comisionada por los Derechos Humanos de la ONU sobre situación...

Varias organizaciones de juristas, ONGs, movimientos sociales y sindicales de diferentes regiones del mundo escribieron a la Alta Comisionada por los Derechos Humanos de...

Fact-finding mission now in Venezuela to expose effects of sanctions, coercive economic measures

  The International Association of Democratic Lawyers is joining with the International People’s Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockades, Coercive Economic Measures, and the National...