Peaceful engagement and genuine dialogue are the only way to secure improvements to the...

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) thanks Mr. Quintana for the presentation of his report. We share the Special Rapporteur's view that peaceful...

Fukushima nuclear disaster and Japanese government’s non compliance with the Convention on the Rights...

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) together with Greenpeace International and Greenpeace Japan welcome the constant attention given by the Human Rights Council...

Civil society organizations question the silence of the OHCHR on the systematic human rights...

I thank you Mr. President, I have the honour to speak on behalf of a group of 184 organisations; including the Sahrawi National Commission for...

IADL UN Activities Bulletin – November 2018

The latest report of UN activities from the International Association of Democratic Lawyers contains reports from IADL representatives in New York and Vienna, a statement...

IADL calls on Indonesia to ensure that human rights principles are integrated into all...

While the following statement refers to the human rights situation in Lombok, our call on the Indonesian government is valid also in relation to...

IADL calls the attention to the hazardous radiological working conditions for decontamination workers in...

During the 39th session of the Human Rights Council the Special Rapporteur on toxic wastes presented his last thematic report, which examines the situation...

La AIJD insta al Consejo de Derechos Humanos a seguir dialogando con Venezuela y...

La Asociación Internacional de Juristas Demócratas (AIJD) expresa su más profunda preocupación por la falta de debate que hubo el lunes entorno al informe del Experto Independiente...

IADL calls on the High Commissioner to speak out publicly on the UN’s lack...

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) expresses its deep concern that the UN’s “New Approach” to cholera in Haiti is at great risk...

Déclaration orale sur la situation des droits de l’homme en Palestine – HRC38 (IADL/CETIM)

Déclaration orale Vérifier à l'audition Monsieur le Président, Les États-Unis d'Amérique ont annoncé la semaine dernière leur retrait du Conseil des droit l'homme, dénonçant la partialité de...

IADL UN Activities Bulletin – June 2018

The latest report of UN activities from the International Association of Democratic Lawyers contains reports from IADL representatives in New York and Vienna, reports and...