September 28: Ensuring Accountability for the displacement of Palestinian Bedouin: the role of the...

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers is organizing this Side Event for the 48th session of the UN Human Rights Council, together with a...

7 July 2021 – Migratory flows in the Americas/Flujos migratorios en las Américas

We encourage you to join us for this side event on Wednesday, July 7, organized together with our colleagues at the American Association of...

UN Office of High Commissioner issues report on systemic racism in policing, calls for...

0 On June 8, 2020, the families of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Michael Brown and Philando Castile, together with more than 600 rights groups, petitioned...

April 27 PRESS CONFERENCE: International Commission of Legal Experts Release Report on Racist...

Finds US Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity and Other Violations of International Law Event: Press conference for launch of the Report of the International Commission of...

La AIJD urge las autoridades de facto en Bolivia a poner fin a toda...

Nos enfrentamos a una situación muy insólita. El informe del Grupo de Trabajo sobre el Examen Periódico Universal (EPU) del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia,...

Independence of the Judiciary in Kuwait

    Download PDF: IADL_UPR35_KWT I. SUMMARY This submission highlights important issues of liberty, due process, and fair trial during criminal proceedings in Kuwait that have arisen during...

27 June, Geneva: The Arbitrary Detention and Torture of Julian Assange

Side Event at the UN Human Rights Council - 41st Session Organised by the International Association of Democratic Lawyers Thursday, 27 June 2019 15:00 - 16:00 Room...

Attempts to prosecute Julian Assange on account of his publishing activities set a dangerous...

For more than 8 years, WikiLeaks’ founder and editor, Julian Assange has been under various forms of restrictions upon his liberty without charge in...

Human Rights violations in the United States of America: Emergency at the Southern Border

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL), together with the International Committee of its affiliate the National Lawyers Guild, call the attention of the...

IADL calls for the U.S. to release Chelsea Manning from prison

IADL expresses its grave concern about the imprisonment of whistle-blower Chelsea Manning last week. This is the latest episode in the United States’ ongoing...