IADL resolution against “red-tagging” in the Philippines

The following resolution was adopted at the IADL Council meeting on 7 February 2021:    IADL RESOLUTION AGAINST “RED-TAGGING” IN THE PHILIPPINES  The International Association of Democratic...

IADL bureau condemns the continuing attacks against lawyers and judges in the Philippines

The IADL bureau condemned in its meeting in Paris  the continuing attacks against lawyers and judges in the Philippines and urges the Philippine Government...

June 6 — Register: The Criminalization of Rights and Human Rights Defenders as a...

The Criminalization of Rights and Human Rights Defenders as a Means of Repression Course 4B of the Monique and Roland Weyl People’s Academy of International...

Atty. Edre Olalia adresses UN Human Rights Council on behalf of IADL on killings...

Speaking before the United Nations Human Right Council’s (UNHRC) 7th session on March 13, lawyer Edre Olalia backed the recommendation of Hina Jilani, special...

June 14, Manila, in-person and online: Invitation to the International Fair Trial Day Conference and...

Save the Date and Register International Fair Trial Day Conference and the Ebru Timtik Award Ceremony 14 June 2024, 10:00 – 17:30 PHT /16.00 – 23.30 CET/ 3pm...

Kathmandu Declaration: Confederation of Lawyers of Asia and the Pacific (COLAP)

The following Kathmandu Declaration was adopted by the lawyers of the Confederation of Lawyers of Asia and the Pacific (COLAP) at their meeting in...

COLAP Statement on the Philippine Anti-Terror Bill

The Anti-Terror Bill in the Philippines Violates Human Rights and Due Process of Law The Confederation of Lawyers in Asia and the Pacific  or COLAP,...

IADL Resolution Protesting the Red-tagging of Human Rights Lawyers in the Philippines

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) strongly denounces the red-tagging of the pro bono human rights lawyers’ organization National Union of Peoples’ Lawyers...

Ongoing work around the world: IADL updates for December 2018

The following report is modified from the presentation given by Jeanne Mirer, President of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, to the IADL's Bureau...

IADL condemns the actions of the Philippine government against the farmers in Kidapawan

English | Français The International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL), a non-governmental organization with consultative status in the United Nations, condemns the massacre of farmers...