Video: Marjorie Cohn on U.S. defeat in Assange extradition case

IADL Bureau member Marjorie Cohn joined an online event organized by the Assange Defense Campaign on Monday, 4 January, commenting on the defeat for...

IADL expresses outrage at criminalization of Palestinian civil society #StandWithThe6

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) joins the growing global outrage over the decision of the Israeli Defense Ministry to designate vital Palestinian...

Videos: Symposium on War Crimes Committed in the Hawaiian Islands by the United States

Watch the Hawaiian Society of Law & Politics‘ Symposium showcasing the “Royal Commission of Inquiry – Investigating War Crimes and Human Rights Violations Committed in...

September 29-30, NYC and Online: Closing of the International People’s Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism

Join us on Friday and Saturday, September 29-30 for the closing events of the International People's Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockades, Coercive Economic...

Italian democratic lawyers launch petition for Cuban Five

The Italian association of democratic lawyers decided on November the 5th, 2009 to launch a petition to demand immediate freedom for the Cuban Five....

IADL condemns the actions of the Philippine government against the farmers in Kidapawan

English | Français The International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL), a non-governmental organization with consultative status in the United Nations, condemns the massacre of farmers...

Article 9’s global scope

Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution is not just a provision of the Japanese law; it also acts as an international peace mechanism towards...

Video: IADL joins press conference against U.S. war threats in Korean peninsula

On Wednesday, October 18, the International Association of Democratic Lawyers joined the National Lawyers Guild International Committee for a press conference at the Solidarity...

International letter against the attempted coup d’etat in Venezuela

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL), together with other organizations of jurists from around the world, social movements and trade unions, is a...

JALISA hosts Philippines farmers’ union leader on tour exposing extrajudicial killings

As a follow-up activity of the IADL/COLAP resolution on the extrajudicial killings in the Philippines, Japan Lawyers International Solidarity Association (JALISA), the IADL member...