Venezuela: Preliminary Statement and Findings of the Fact-Finding Mission of the International People’s Tribunal...

The following statement was issued by the Venezuela Fact-Finding Mission of the International People's Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism, carried out between July 24-28 with...

IADL statement opposing military action against Libya

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers issued the following statement regarding the Security Council Resolution 1973 in Libya and military actions by the United...

Interview with Leonard Weinglass, attorney for Antonio Guerrero

What follows is an interview conducted by Gloria La Riva, Coordinator of the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five, with Leonard Weinglass, the...

Atty. Edre Olalia adresses UN Human Rights Council on behalf of IADL on killings...

Speaking before the United Nations Human Right Council’s (UNHRC) 7th session on March 13, lawyer Edre Olalia backed the recommendation of Hina Jilani, special...

Report: International Conference: The protection of the Palestinian People, International law and Peace

IADL organised on the 24th and 25th of november 2001 an international conference in Paris on the theme "The protection of the Palestinian People,...

IADL Solidarity Statement for the Stansted 15

On 28 March 2017, 15 activists, known as the Stansted 15, physically prevented the departure of a chartered aircraft intended to deport individuals from...

ELDH, VDJ and International League for Human Rights demand freedom of speech for the...

  The journalist Khaled Barakat was forbidden to take part in an event in Berlin with the topic, "Palestine and the Arabs - American Deal...

IADL calls on UK Court to grant bail to Julian Assange, ill and vulnerable...

The following resolution of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers was adopted by the IADL's Council meeting on 28 June 2020: IADL CALLS ON UK...

Adil yargilanma hakkini kullanabilmek için

The following article was published in the December 2020 issue of the International Review of Contemporary Law, the journal of the IADL. Aytac Ünsal Adil Yargılanma...

7 July 2021 – Migratory flows in the Americas/Flujos migratorios en las Américas

We encourage you to join us for this side event on Wednesday, July 7, organized together with our colleagues at the American Association of...