International Accountability and Tribunals

November 2009, The Hague: International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda: An Independent Conference on Its...

Date: 14/11/2009 - 15/11/2009 Location: The Hague (Netherlands) Street address: Institute for Social Studies Kortenaerkade  Netherlands Postal code: 122518 City: Den Haag The Hague Country: Netherlands Download details: HagueICTR_Conf_2009_English.pdf

Video: International People’s Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism Hearing on Libya

On March 4, the International People’s Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockades, Coercive Economic Measures, conducted its hearing on the case of Libya. The...

IADL joins letter to U.S. attorney general urging accountability for torture

Seventeen human rights and civil rights organizations and 45 prominent lawyers and civic leaders have sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder last week urging...

The Treatment of the ICTR Acquitted: The “Achilles Heel” of International Criminal Justice

The following article was published in the December 2020 issue of the International Review of Contemporary Law, the journal of the IADL. by Beth S....

IADL President addresses International Conference on the 60th anniversary of Tokyo Trials

November 26th, 2008 IADL President Jitendra Sharma addresses the International Conference on the 60th anniversary of Tokyo Trials held in Moscow on november 27th 2008. The...

May 6 and 7: Online Hearing – Eritrea, International People’s Tribunal On U.S. Imperialism

Join the International People’s Tribunal on US Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockades, Coercive Economic Measures for a hearing on Saturday and Sunday, May 6 and 7,...

IADL rejects U.S. unilateral coercive measures targeting the International Criminal Court

The following resolution was adopted by the International Association of Democratic Lawyers Council meeting on 25 October 2020:  IADL RESOLUTION ON U.S. UNILATERAL COERCIVE MEASURES...

January 28 in New York: Official Launch of the International People’s Tribunal on US...

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers is excited to co-sponsor this important initiative, with a number of our members and affiliates serving as steering...

Hanoi Declaration of IADL XVII Congress

HANOI DECLARATION 10 JUNE 2009 The 17th Congress of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) held in Hanoi on the theme: "Law and Lawyers in the Context...

Ongoing work around the world: IADL updates for December 2018

The following report is modified from the presentation given by Jeanne Mirer, President of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, to the IADL's Bureau...