IADL calls for international investigation of Israeli murder of human rights workers
IADL condemns in the strongest possible terms Israel's murder of human rights workers and calls for an international investigation
The International Association of Democratic Lawyers...
IADL joins appeal to protect rights of Palestinian prisoners
IADL joined an appeal to UN secretary general Ban Ki Moon demanding that he and the United Nations uphold their responsibilities to protect the rights...
Resolution On Aggression Against The Occupied Palestinian Territory Of Gaza
The General Assembly of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, at its 17th Congress in Hanoi, Vietnam, having received and considered many well-documented reports of...
IADL issues white paper on legal issues related to aggression against Gaza
The White Paper provides a review of international law, laws of war, international human rights and international humanitarian law to provide the legal support...
IADL denounces Israeli invasion of Gaza
IADL denounces the invasion of Gaza by Israel and condemns the violation by Israel of the Security Council resolution.
The International Association of Democratic Lawyers...
IADL calls UN General assembly to create special tribunal to investigate Israeli war crimes...
IADL calls upon the General Assembly to act pursuant to Resolution 377 to pass a uniting for peace resolution. IADL further calls on the...
IADL condemns Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip in the strongest possible terms
IADL calls on the international community to stop further Israeli aggression, and take action to hold Israel accountable for its crimes.
The International Association of...
Emergency Conference on the Deteriorating Situation in the Middle East and our Tasks
August 27th, 2006
On August 26 and 27 2006 IADL held an emergency conference on the Deteriorating Situation in the Middle East and adopted an...
Report: International Conference: The protection of the Palestinian People, International law and Peace
IADL organised on the 24th and 25th of november 2001 an international conference in Paris on the theme "The protection of the Palestinian People,...
Final Declaration of the XII Conference of the AAJ and the XV Congress of...
OCTOBER 20, 2000
We the jurists from fifty-six countries, met at the International...