Social Economic and Cultural Rights

Lessons and challenges on access to remedies: Transnational corporations and human rights

The following oral statement was made to the UN Intergovernmental Working Group on the proposed treaty on transnational corporations and human rights by Julia...

270 Deaths Foretold: Report highlights corporate responsibility for Brumadinho dam collapse in Brazil

"The Collapse was predictable. It was not an act of God or Nature. That this was predictable heightens our pain. The event is not...

IADL resolution affiliating to the Campaign Against Climate Change

The following resolution was adopted by the International Association of Democratic Lawyers Council meeting on 25 October 2020:  RESOLUTION TO AFFILIATE TO THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST...

IADL and NLG law professors nominate Cuban medics for Nobel Peace Prize

The following nomination was submitted to the Nobel Committee by several IADL and National Lawyers Guild (U.S.) members in academia and organized by Prof....

NADDAF awarded “Best Actor” for human rights in Corporate Social Responsibility

  IADL is republishing the following report from NADDAF (Nouvelles Alternatives pour le Développement Durable en Afrique) in Togo, a member organization represented by Bernard...