New issue of International Review of Contemporary Law released: 77th anniversary of the United...

  A new issue of the International Review of Contemporary Law, IADL’s digital legal journal, has been released on 10 June 2024. With content in both...

Military Occupation, Sovereignty, and the ex injuria jus non oritur Principle. Complying with the...

The following article was published in the June 2024 issue of the International Review of Contemporary Law, the journal of the IADL, focusing on the...

Remembering Géraud de Geouffre de la Pradelle — La Palestine et la Charte des...

The following article was published in the June 2024 issue of the International Review of Contemporary Law, the journal of the IADL, focusing on the...

Hommage à Nydia Tobón – Juan Fernando Romero Tobón

The following article was published in the June 2024 issue of the International Review of Contemporary Law, the journal of the IADL, focusing on the...

Law is a citizen’s combat — Monique and Roland Weyl – translation by Walid...

The following article was published in the June 2024 issue of the International Review of Contemporary Law, the journal of the IADL, focusing on the...

Géopolitique impériale et les sanctions contre le Venezuela — Michel Mujica Ricardo

The following article was published in the June 2024 issue of the International Review of Contemporary Law, the journal of the IADL, focusing on the...

Intervention of Professor Alfred de Zayas on Unilateral Coercive Measures (UMC) during the...

The following article was published in the June 2024 issue of the International Review of Contemporary Law, the journal of the IADL, focusing on the...

Légalité et légitimité des sanctions en droit international — Benoît Quennedey

The following article was published in the June 2024 issue of the International Review of Contemporary Law, the journal of the IADL, focusing on the...

NATO and International Law – Monique & Roland Weyl – Translated by Droit solidarité

The following article was published in the June 2024 issue of the International Review of Contemporary Law, the journal of the IADL, focusing on the...

Article 73 of the U.N. Charter and United States Responsibility in the Case of...

The following article was published in the June 2024 issue of the International Review of Contemporary Law, the journal of the IADL, focusing on the...