IADL mission reports on Tunisia revolt

IADL bureau member Fabio Marcelli drafted the following report on his mission to Tunisia. Report on the mission to Tunisia 1. From the 18th to the...

European Lawyers demand: Take the PKK off the Terrorist List of the European Union

In 2002, at the demand of the Turkish Government, the Workers Party of Kurdistan (PKK) was put on the European Union Terrorist List. This...

Declaration of the International Conference to Celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Stockholm Appeal...

IADL organised a conference in Paris to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Stockholm Appeal against Nuclear Weapons. The conference issued the following declaration: Paris, Bourse...

IADL calls for international investigation of Israeli murder of human rights workers

IADL condemns in the strongest possible terms Israel's murder of human rights workers and calls for an international investigation The International Association of Democratic Lawyers...

IADL condemns killings in the Philippines

IADL condemns killings, calls for an end of support to Arroyo governement and to send mission to Philippines The International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL)...

IADL resolution on the human right of peoples to a clean and safe environment

The IADL bureau meeting in London adopted the following resolution on climate change and the Copenhagen agenda CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE COPENHAGEN AGENDA THE HUMAN RIGHT...

IADL joins letter to U.S. attorney general urging accountability for torture

Seventeen human rights and civil rights organizations and 45 prominent lawyers and civic leaders have sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder last week urging...

Joint IADL, AAJ, NLG and IACT observer mission to Honduras concludes, reports serious violations

A joint observer mission of IADL, AAJ, the NLG and IACT travelled to Honduras The joint mission of the American Association of Jurists (AAJ), the...

IADL joins appeal to protect rights of Palestinian prisoners

IADL joined an appeal to UN secretary general Ban Ki Moon demanding that he and the United Nations uphold their responsibilities to protect the rights...

IADL condemns coup in Honduras

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL)  condemns the military coup against the democratically elected Government of President Manuel Zelaya of Honduras. The International Association...