IADL resolution affiliating to the Campaign Against Climate Change

The following resolution was adopted by the International Association of Democratic Lawyers Council meeting on 25 October 2020:  RESOLUTION TO AFFILIATE TO THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST...

IADL statement on the Right to Development

Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development - 6th session Panel on engagement with civil society statement by Micòl Savia, IADL permanent representative to the UN...

Resolution in support of the demand for immediate and unconditional departure of the UN...

The IADL supports all the Haitian organizations reunited within the Mobilization Collective for the compensation of cholera victims, requesting and demanding the immediate and...

HRC34 – IADL oral intervention on the adverse human rights impact of pesticides

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) thanks the Special Rapporteur on the right to food and the Special Rapporteur on human rights and...

Resolution on the Situation in Colombia

The General Assembly of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, at its 17th Congress in Hanoi, Vietnam, having received and considered the numerous reports...

Solicitud de pronunciamiento sobre golpe de estado en Venezuela

La Asociación Internacional de Juristas Demócratas (AIJD), junto con otras organizaciones de juristas de todo el mundo, movimientos sociales y sindicales, insta a la...

Over 475 lawyers, legal organizations and human rights defenders support lawyer Steven Donziger

NEW YORK, May 18 - Over 75 organizations, including international legal organizations and major human rights networks, signed on to an open letter released...

IADL Resolution in support of student struggle at Bogazici University in Turkey

The following resolution was adopted at the IADL Council meeting on 7 February 2021:  IADL RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF STUDENT STRUGGLE AT BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY IN...

NLG-IADL delegation meets imprisoned Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab, urges his release

  January 26, 2023  “A Nuclear Bomb would be better. At least with a Nuclear Bomb we die quickly. With the U.S. Sanctions we die every...

Statement on the Situation in Haiti

IADL expresses concern over the fact that the United Nations Mission for the Stabilization of Haiti (MINUSTAH), manipulated by the United States, did not...