IADL Resolution on the Detention of Kim Ryon-hee in South Korea

The following resolution was adopted by the IADL Council meeting, in virtual session, on 7 February 2021: IADL RESOLUTION ON THE DETENTION OF KIM RYON-HEE  The...

Urgent Declaration in Defense of Democracy, the Rule of Law and the Right to...

URGENT DECLARATION In Defense of Democracy, the Rule of Law, and the Right to a Dignified Life:  STOP the Criminalization of Social Protests and...

JALISA hosts Philippines farmers’ union leader on tour exposing extrajudicial killings

As a follow-up activity of the IADL/COLAP resolution on the extrajudicial killings in the Philippines, Japan Lawyers International Solidarity Association (JALISA), the IADL member...

IADL message to the World Peace Council assembly in Hanoi

The following IADL message to the World Peace Council assembly in Hanoi, Vietnam, was delivered by Grace Saguinsin: Greetings to the World Peace Council assembly...

Joint Letter to Greek Government: We Demand Urgent Action Against the Overseas Santorini and...

The following joint letter was sent as part of the No Harbour for Genocide campaign, focusing on a demand to the Greek government to...

IADL resolution on human rights in the Philippines and attacks on people’s lawyers

The following resolution was adopted on 25 October 2020, during the Council meeting of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers: OMNIBUS RESOLUTION ON THE DETERIORATING HUMAN...

March 4: Online hearing – Libya, International People’s Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism

Join the International People’s Tribunal on US Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockades, Coercive Economic Measures for a hearing on the effects and impacts of these policies...

Statement: Case of Julian Assange and UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detentions

The following statement was submitted by  International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) and the Europe-Third World Centre (CETIM) to the United Nations Human Rights...

IADL statement regarding the situation in Colombia

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers expresses its grave concerns regarding the Colombian Government’s ongoing brutal repression of Colombians exercising their legitimate right to...

IADL Resolution on State Repression in Europe Against Palestine Solidarity Organizing

  IADL Resolution on State Repression Targeting Palestine Solidarity and Palestinian Community Organizing in Europe Whereas, the International Association of Democratic Lawyers has previously raised serious...