Resolution On Aggression Against The Occupied Palestinian Territory Of Gaza

The General Assembly of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, at its 17th Congress in Hanoi, Vietnam, having received and considered many well-documented reports of...

Program of Interventions at XVII IADL Congress, Hanoi 2009

List of Interventions in the Commissions at the 17th IADL Congress Commission I. RIGHT TO PEACE Note 1 The Right to Live in Peace as the Right to Neither Be...

IADL Resolution on Lebanon

The General Assembly of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, at its 17th Congress in Hanoi, Vietnam, recalling that: 1.     Since 1948, the Lebanon has been...

Resolution on Afghanistan and Pakistan

The General Assembly of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, at its 17th Congress in Hanoi, Vietnam, noting that: Following the terrorist attack of 11...

Support For The People Of Okinawa Against Fresh Build-Up Of US Military Bases On...

The General Assembly of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, at its 17th Congress in Hanoi, Vietnam: RECALLING earlier resolutions on the complete removal of...

Resolution on Bangladesh War Crimes Tribunal for Crimes of 1971

The General Assembly of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, at its 17th Congress in Hanoi, Vietnam, having received and considered the report of the...

On the “Independence Debt” and the Present Situation in Haiti

The General Assembly of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, at its 17th Congress in Hanoi, Vietnam: Having considered the historic crime of slavery committed against...

Emergency Resolution Calling On The Government Of Peru To Cease All Acts Of Violence...

The General Assembly of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, at its 17th Congress in Hanoi, Vietnam, having received a number of urgent reports of...

Resolution Condemning The Denial Of Human Rights Of Abdul Bassit Al Megrahi By The...

The General Assembly of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, at its 17th Congress in Hanoi, Vietnam, having received and considered reports that Mr....

Hanoi Peace Appeal

In March 2010 we will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the historic "Stockholm Appeal," which recalled the criminal character of nuclear weapons and declared that...