Resolution on Afghanistan and Pakistan

The General Assembly of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, at its 17th Congress in Hanoi, Vietnam, noting that: Following the terrorist attack of 11...

Final Declaration of the XII Conference of the AAJ and the XV Congress of...

FINAL DECLARATION OF THE XII CONFERENCE OF THE A.A.J. AND THE XV CONGRESS OF THE I.A.D.L. HAVANA, CUBA OCTOBER 20, 2000 We the jurists from fifty-six countries, met at the International...

Emergency Resolution Calling On The Government Of Peru To Cease All Acts Of Violence...

The General Assembly of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, at its 17th Congress in Hanoi, Vietnam, having received a number of urgent reports of...

On the “Independence Debt” and the Present Situation in Haiti

The General Assembly of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, at its 17th Congress in Hanoi, Vietnam: Having considered the historic crime of slavery committed against...

Resolution on the Situation in Puerto Rico

The General Assembly of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, at its 17th Congress in Hanoi, Vietnam, having received and considered the report of the...

Program of Interventions at XVII IADL Congress, Hanoi 2009

List of Interventions in the Commissions at the 17th IADL Congress Commission I. RIGHT TO PEACE Note 1 The Right to Live in Peace as the Right to Neither Be...

Greeting speech by M. Nguyen Minh Triet, President of the Socialist Republic of...

The following speech was delivered on June 6, 2009 by His Excellency M. Nguyen Minh Triet, President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, at...

Resolution on MINUSTAH in Haiti

The General Assembly of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, at its 17th Congress in Hanoi, Vietnam, having considered the effects of the United Nations...

Resolution on Labor Deregulation

The General Assembly of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, at its 17th Congress in Hanoi, Vietnam, noting that: 1.      Neoliberalism, which is sweeping the world...

Hanoi Declaration of IADL XVII Congress

HANOI DECLARATION 10 JUNE 2009 The 17th Congress of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) held in Hanoi on the theme: "Law and Lawyers in the Context...