WPLC, IADL, and NLG file joint Amicus Brief Supporting the Hawaiian Kingdom’s Complaint against...

July 30, 2021 Contact: Natali Segovia, Staff Attorney, WPLC: defense@waterprotectorlegal.org NLG International Committee: international@nlg.org Download the amicus brief here. Honolulu—The Water Protector Legal Collective (WPLC), alongside the International Association...

IADL files Amicus to ICTR opposing transfer of cases to Rwanda

The IADL has consistently opposed the transfer of cases from the ICTR to Rwanda on the grounds that a defendant will not receive a...

IADL amicus brief urges ICC to confirm jurisdiction in Palestine

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers filed an amicus curiae brief with the International Criminal Court on 16 March 2020, urging the court to...

IADL files important Amicus Brief in Cuban Five case

On January 30, 2009,  the lawyers for the Cuban 5 filed a petition in the United States Supreme Court for review of the decisions...

IADL and NLG file amicus brief in Donziger case, highlighting corporate impunity and human...

An amicus brief was filed today by the National Lawyers Guild and International Association of Democratic Lawyers in the Second Circuit on behalf of...