

Global Article 9 campaign Background

Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution renounces war as a means of settling international disputes and prohibits the maintenance of armed forces and other...

May 2008, Tokyo: Global Article 9 Conference to Abolish War

Date: 03/05/2008 - 05/05/2008 Location: Makuhari Messe Convention Centre Street address:Chiba prefecture The Conference will be held at Makuhari Messe Convention Centre.The Makuhari Messe is located in Chiba prefecture i.e., about...

Pétition pour l’article 9 de la Constitution japonaise

Considérant que l’article 9 de la Constitution japonaise dispose : « 1) Aspirant sincèrement à une paix internationale fondée sur l’ordre et la justice, le...

Agent Orange: Legal team and IADL meet with victims association in Hanoi

From March 18 to 22 2008, the legal team met with Vietnam Association for the Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin (VAVA)  in Hanoi to map...

National Union of Peoples Lawyers (Philippines) joins IADL

April 15th, 2008 The recently founded National Union of Peoples Lawyers from the Philippines applied for IADL membership. The application was accepted at the IADL...

Atty. Edre Olalia adresses UN Human Rights Council on behalf of IADL on killings...

Speaking before the United Nations Human Right Council’s (UNHRC) 7th session on March 13, lawyer Edre Olalia backed the recommendation of Hina Jilani, special...

IADL protests Saudi court’s imposition of sentence upon a victim of rape

December 12th, 2007 IADL has become aware that a Saudi woman known as the “girl from Quatif” who was the victim of a gang rape,...

L’AIJD est contre l’état d’urgence au Pakistan

Le 6 novembre 2007 l'Association Internationale des Juristes Démocrates (AIJD) a publié un rapport condamnant vigoureusement l'état d'urgence imposé au peuple du Pakistan. Nous demandons que...

IADL Strongly Condemns The Continued Arrests Of Lawyers and Judges and Demands The Lifting...

On November 6, 2007 the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) issued a statement strongly condemning the State of Emergency imposed on the people...

Statement of IADL demanding reinstatement of Pakistan Chief Justice Chaudhry

May 12th, 2007 IADL issued a statement demanding the reinstatement of Chief Justice of Pakistan, and condemning attempts to terrorize the lawyers who are organizing...