

IADL calls for international investigation of Israeli murder of human rights workers

IADL condemns in the strongest possible terms Israel's murder of human rights workers and calls for an international investigation The International Association of Democratic Lawyers...

Resolution sur l’Afrique

Le bureau de l'AIJD réuni à Londres le 28 et 29 décembre 2009 à adopté sur proposition d'Augustin Kemadjou la résolution suivante Nous membres de...

NUPL press statement: Until ‘butchers’ in Ampatuan massacre are convicted, lawyers will wear black...

As a symbolic way to demand speedy justice for the victims of the Ampatuan town massacre, human rights law group, National Union of Peoples'...

IADL condemns killings in the Philippines

IADL condemns killings, calls for an end of support to Arroyo governement and to send mission to Philippines The International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL)...

Italian democratic lawyers launch petition for Cuban Five

The Italian association of democratic lawyers decided on November the 5th, 2009 to launch a petition to demand immediate freedom for the Cuban Five....

IADL resolution on the human right of peoples to a clean and safe environment

The IADL bureau meeting in London adopted the following resolution on climate change and the Copenhagen agenda CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE COPENHAGEN AGENDA THE HUMAN RIGHT...

November 2009, The Hague: International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda: An Independent Conference on Its...

Date: 14/11/2009 - 15/11/2009 Location: The Hague (Netherlands) Street address: Institute for Social Studies Kortenaerkade  Netherlands Postal code: 122518 City: Den Haag The Hague Country: Netherlands Download details: HagueICTR_Conf_2009_English.pdf

IADL joins letter to U.S. attorney general urging accountability for torture

Seventeen human rights and civil rights organizations and 45 prominent lawyers and civic leaders have sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder last week urging...

Joint IADL, AAJ, NLG and IACT observer mission to Honduras concludes, reports serious violations

A joint observer mission of IADL, AAJ, the NLG and IACT travelled to Honduras The joint mission of the American Association of Jurists (AAJ), the...

VIGIL for PEACE at 09:09, September (9th Month) 9, 2009

Date: 09/09/2009 Organised by: Japan Lawyers International Solidarity Association, JALISA and others E-mail: oniikura@als.aoyama.ac.jp Religious practitioners in Japan call you to join in a rally for peace on a...