Watch video: New York event highlights anti-imperialist struggles in Latin America

On February 13th, the International Committee of the National Lawyers Guild, the IADL’s affiliate in the United States, hosted a forum on U.S. imperialist intervention in Latin America at The People’s Forum in New York City. Speakers focused on recent events in Venezuela and ongoing intervention in Honduras, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, Cuba and more. The event focused on sharing analyses and strengthening strategies for opposing all forms of U.S. imperialism in the Americas and around the globe.


Rev. Luis Barrios
Natasha Lycia Bannan
Ximena Bustamante
Max Blumenthal (from Caracas)

Moderated by Suzanne Adely, IADL Bureau Member and co-chair of the National Lawyers Guild International Committee

Watch the full video of this event: 


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