MAY 24-25, 2013



MAY 24, 2013
9:30 to 10:00        Registration
10:00 to 11:00      Welcome and Goals of the Conference: Roland Weyl, Jeanne Mirer
All speakers will be asked to address one or more of the topics: Why we need a New economic order, what would it look like and what is the way to achieve it, We will discuss various topics as noted below with this framework in mind.

11:00 to 1:00       Featured Speakers:

Skype presentation by Samir Amin
Alfred de Zayas: United Nations Independent Expert on the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order
Mamdouh Habashi, Egyptian Socialist Party
Jan Pierre Dubois, French League for Human Rights
Jean Christophe Le Duigou, trade unionist economist
Magdelina Sepulveda, Special Rappoeteur on Extreme Poverty (Invited)
Kent Hudson
There are also Invited Representatives from CETIM, CADTM and ATTAC and Via Campesina.
IADL expects other eminent speakers and relevant papers to be circulated throughout the conference.

1:00 to 2:00          Lunch Break

2:00 to 5:00          Discussion: Why we need a new democratic international        economic order with focus on role of International Financial Institutions
Changing IFI’s and WTO to promote economic human rights.

MAY 25, 2013

9:30 to 12:30       What would a new international economic order look like
Continuing discussions
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights as human rights
Labour Rights as human rights
Promoting the human right to peace

12:30 to 2:00        Lunch Break
2:00 to 5:00          Discussion of How do we achieve a new democratic international economic order: Statement of the Conference and Next Steps


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