IADL Bulletin of UN Activities – July 2015

The July 2015 Bulletin of UN Activities from the International Association of Democratic Lawyers contains reports from IADL representatives in Geneva, New York, Paris, and...

March 2015, Geneva: Western Persecution: Is the HRC equipped to protect refugees from the...

Date: 23/03/2015 Organised by: International Association of Democratic Lawyers and Permanent Mission of Ecuador to the UN in Geneva Location: Room XXIV – Palais de Nations, Geneva, Switzerland Julian Assange,...

IADL Bulletin of UN Activities – November 2014

The November 2014 Bulletin of UN Activities from the International Association of Democratic Lawyers contains reports from IADL representatives in Geneva, New York, and Vienna. Download...

59 International Organizations Call Upon UN to Remedy Human Rights Violations in Pre-Charge Detention...

  Groups Submit Reports to UN Universal Periodic Review Citing Sweden’s Human Rights & Procedural Violations in Treatment of Julian Assange Geneva, Switzerland - Before the United...

IADL Bulletin of UN Activities – April 2014

This April 2014 Bulletin of UN Activities from the International Association of Democratic Lawyers contains reports from IADL representatives in Geneva, New York, and Vienna,...

IADL UN Activities Bulletin – September 2013

This September 2013 Bulletin of UN Activities of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers includes UN activities in New York, Vienna and Geneva as...

IADL UN Activities Bulletin – May 2013

The May 2013 report of UN Activities from the International Association of Democratic Lawyers contains reports from IADL representatives in Geneva, New York, Paris, and...

IADL Bulletin of UN Activities – September 2012

This September 2012 bulletin of United Nations activities of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers includes reports of IADL UN activities in New York,...

IADL submissions to the twentieth session of the UN Human Rights Council

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers made submissions to the twentieth session of the UN Human Rights Council on the right to peace, extrajudicial...

In Support of the Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange

June 18th, 2012 The International Association of Democratic Lawyers made the following submission on the Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange to the 20th session of...