Veto to oppose the admission of Palestine is illegal and must be ignored

September 25th, 2011 IADL submitted a resolution to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon arguing that the use of a veto to oppose the...

IADL Resolution: Free Walid Daqqah!

Resolution of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers: Free Walid Daqqah Whereas, Palestinian prisoner, thinker and writer Walid Daqqah has been jailed in Israeli prison...

Video: Perfecting Liberation: Legacies of Colonialism in Algeria and South Africa – Lessons for...

The video of the webinar held on 1 November 2020 by the IADL, the Global Justice and Human Rights Law Network and the National...

IADL condemns Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip in the strongest possible terms

IADL calls on the international community to stop further Israeli aggression, and take action to hold Israel accountable for its crimes. The International Association of...

Emergency Conference on the Deteriorating Situation in the Middle East and our Tasks

August 27th, 2006 On August 26 and 27 2006 IADL held an emergency conference on the Deteriorating Situation in the Middle East and adopted an...

Urgent Appeal to Commercial Airlines: Avoid Assisting in the Forcible Deportation & Transfer of ...

Avoid Assisting in the Forcible Deportation & Transfer of  Human Rights Defender Salah Hamouri Summary Israel has recently announced it will imminently deport Palestinian human rights...

IADL Resolution on State Repression in Europe Against Palestine Solidarity Organizing

  IADL Resolution on State Repression Targeting Palestine Solidarity and Palestinian Community Organizing in Europe Whereas, the International Association of Democratic Lawyers has previously raised serious...

IADL demands immediate release of Palestinian hunger striker Maher al-Akhras

The following resolution was adopted on 25 October 2020, during the Council meeting of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers: IADL RESOLUTION FOR THE IMMEDIATE...

Final Declaration of the XII Conference of the AAJ and the XV Congress of...

FINAL DECLARATION OF THE XII CONFERENCE OF THE A.A.J. AND THE XV CONGRESS OF THE I.A.D.L. HAVANA, CUBA OCTOBER 20, 2000 We the jurists from fifty-six countries, met at the International...

IADL calls UN General assembly to create special tribunal to investigate Israeli war crimes...

IADL calls upon the General Assembly to act pursuant to Resolution 377 to pass a uniting for peace resolution. IADL further calls on the...