Statement on the Situation in Haiti

IADL expresses concern over the fact that the United Nations Mission for the Stabilization of Haiti (MINUSTAH), manipulated by the United States, did not...

Launching Statement of the Global Article 9 Conference to Abolish War

The Global Article 9 Conference to Abolish War was initiated by a coalition of individuals based in Japan, from a wide range of fields...

Solidarity with the peace process in the Philippines

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers supports the following call for international solidarity with the peace process in the Philippines: Supporting the renewed peace process: A...

APJD: Dia do advogado em perigo – A Grave situação na Turquia

Associação Portuguesa de Juristas Democratas Assinala-se hoje dia 24 de Janeiro o Dia do Advogado em Perigo. Esta data pretende relembrar o massacre...

27 June, Geneva: The Arbitrary Detention and Torture of Julian Assange

Side Event at the UN Human Rights Council - 41st Session Organised by the International Association of Democratic Lawyers Thursday, 27 June 2019 15:00 - 16:00 Room...

Fact-finding mission releases report on trials of lawyers in Turkey

On 18 June 2020, a fact-finding mission of European lawyers released its report on the trials of lawyers in Turkey, specifically the persecution of...

Lawyers’ associations demand immediate release of Turkish lawyer Oya Aslan

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL), Avocat.e.s Européen.nes Démocrates / European Democratic Lawyers (AED / EDL) and European Association of Lawyers for Democracy...

IADL stands in solidarity with the people of Palestine

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers stands in solidarity with the people of Palestine in their struggle against the settler colonial state of Israel...

March 19: Online hearing – Syria, International People’s Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism

Join the International People’s Tribunal on US Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockades, Coercive Economic Measures for a hearing on Sunday, March 19, on the effects and...

New special issue of International Review of Contemporary Law released: Voices of Resilience –...

  A new special International Women's Day issue of the International Review of Contemporary Law, IADL’s digital legal journal, has been released on 8 March...