Atty. Edre Olalia adresses UN Human Rights Council on behalf of IADL on killings...

Speaking before the United Nations Human Right Council’s (UNHRC) 7th session on March 13, lawyer Edre Olalia backed the recommendation of Hina Jilani, special...

More than 200 lawyers file judicial complaint against Judge Lewis A. Kaplan over abusive...

Download the files: Cover letter Complaint Appendix Complaint signed by 37 organizations representing 500,000 lawyers worldwide details shocking violations of the code of Judicial Conduct...

NUPL: Attack on Lawyers Anywhere is an Attack on Lawyers Everywhere

Statement of National Union of Peoples’ Lawyers on the Day of the Endangered Lawyer ATTACKS ON LAWYERS ANYWHERE IS AN ATTACK ON LAWYERS EVERYWHERE ​Today, on...

On Day of the Lawyer: IADL stands in solidarity with imprisoned lawyers in Turkey...

On 5 April, the Day of the Lawyer in Turkey, the International Association of Democratic Lawyers stood in solidarity with imprisoned colleagues in Turkey....

IADL Strongly Condemns The Continued Arrests Of Lawyers and Judges and Demands The Lifting...

On November 6, 2007 the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) issued a statement strongly condemning the State of Emergency imposed on the people...

Philippines: Attacks on lawyers

Excerpt from Repression & Resistance, The Filipino People vs Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, George W. Bush, et. al., Permanent Peoples' Tribunal Second Session on the Philippines,...

IADL mourns people’s lawyer Ebru Timtik, martyr for justice in Turkey

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers stands together in deep mourning and anger in response to the loss of people's lawyer Ebru Timtik of...

Statement by Democratic Lawyers Association Pakistan

The Democratic Lawyers Association Pakistan affiliated with International Association of Democratic Lawyers issued the following statement; The executive order passed today, March 16, 2009 by...

Report: Mission to Istanbul in relation to the situation of prisoners in isolation detention...

The following report was created by Georges Henri Beauthier and Jan Fermon, lawyers at the Brussels Bar, from their 2006 mission to Istanbul in...

5 April, Online Event: International Memorial Event for Ebru Timtik — A life...

International Memorial Event for Ebru Timtik: A life dedicated to the struggle 5 April 2021 18.30 pm (CEST) - 19.30 pm (TR) (12:30 pm Eastern/9:30 am Pacific) Registration...