270 Deaths Foretold: Report highlights corporate responsibility for Brumadinho dam collapse in Brazil

"The Collapse was predictable. It was not an act of God or Nature. That this was predictable heightens our pain. The event is not...

IADL/COLAP fact-finding commission releases final report on “Waitresses Case”

An International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) and the Confederation of Lawyers of Asia and the Pacific (COLAP) fact-finding commission released the final report...

New issue of International Review of Contemporary Law released: South China Sea Dispute and...

A new issue of the International Review of Contemporary Law, IADL's digital legal journal, has now been released. Edited by Evelyn Dürmayer, the issue...

IADL UN Activities Bulletin – April 2019

The latest April 2019 Bulletin of UN Activities of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers includes an update on the trial against Turkish lawyers...

IADL UN Activities Bulletin – November 2018

The latest report of UN activities from the International Association of Democratic Lawyers contains reports from IADL representatives in New York and Vienna, a statement...

November 2018: New issue of the International Review of Contemporary Law on the South...

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers published a new issue of the International Review of Contemporary Law on 23 November 2018. This issue focuses...

International People’s Tribunal on the Philippines Issues Verdict on Duterte and Trump

The International People's Tribunal on the Philippines convened in Brussels from 18-19 September 2018. It was jointly organized by the International Coalition for Human...

Verdict issued by Permanent People’s Tribunal on Turkey and the Kurds

"The Turkish state president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is directly responsible for the war crimes and the state crimes committed in particularly in the cities of the...

IADL UN Activities Bulletin – June 2018

The latest report of UN activities from the International Association of Democratic Lawyers contains reports from IADL representatives in New York and Vienna, reports and...

IADL UN Activities Bulletin – November 2017

The latest report of UN Activities from the International Association of Democratic Lawyers contains reports from IADL representatives in New York and Vienna, reports and...