IADL UN Activities Bulletin – September 2010

The September 2010 report of UN Activities from the International Association of Democratic Lawyers contains reports from IADL representatives in New York on events taking...

International Association of Democratic Lawyers hopeful about quick release of Morong 43 after meeting...

A delegation of the bureau of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers met on 15 September 2010 in Manila in the office of the Department of Justice with Secretary...

IADL UN Activities Bulletin – June 2010

The June 2010 report of UN Activities from the International Association of Democratic Lawyers contains reports from IADL representatives in Geneva, New York, Paris, and...

NUPL press statement: Until ‘butchers’ in Ampatuan massacre are convicted, lawyers will wear black...

As a symbolic way to demand speedy justice for the victims of the Ampatuan town massacre, human rights law group, National Union of Peoples'...

Italian democratic lawyers launch petition for Cuban Five

The Italian association of democratic lawyers decided on November the 5th, 2009 to launch a petition to demand immediate freedom for the Cuban Five....

IADL joins letter to U.S. attorney general urging accountability for torture

Seventeen human rights and civil rights organizations and 45 prominent lawyers and civic leaders have sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder last week urging...

Joint IADL, AAJ, NLG and IACT observer mission to Honduras concludes, reports serious violations

A joint observer mission of IADL, AAJ, the NLG and IACT travelled to Honduras The joint mission of the American Association of Jurists (AAJ), the...

Greeting speech by M. Nguyen Minh Triet, President of the Socialist Republic of...

The following speech was delivered on June 6, 2009 by His Excellency M. Nguyen Minh Triet, President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, at...

Judgment of the International people’s tribunal of conscience in support of the Vietnamese victims...

On May 5-6 2009 IADL convened in Paris (France) an International People's Tribunal of Conscience in support of the Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange. The...

Statement by Democratic Lawyers Association Pakistan

The Democratic Lawyers Association Pakistan affiliated with International Association of Democratic Lawyers issued the following statement; The executive order passed today, March 16, 2009 by...