

APJD: Dia do advogado em perigo – A Grave situação na Turquia

Associação Portuguesa de Juristas Democratas Assinala-se hoje dia 24 de Janeiro o Dia do Advogado em Perigo. Esta data pretende relembrar o massacre...

AAJ: Rejecting the “Lima Group” on Venezuela: No to empires and colonies

The following statement was issued by the American Association of Jurists, a Non-Governmental Organization with consultative status before the ECOSOC and permanent representation before...

AAJ: Declaración de la AAJ en rechazo a la declaración del llamado “Grupo de...

Organización No Gubernamental con estatuto consultivo ante el ECOSOC y representación permanente ante la ONU de Nueva York y Ginebra Read this statement in English DECLARACIÓN DE LA AAJ...

Video: Palestinian lawyers urge support for political prisoners

Palestinian lawyer Rania Ghosheh sent the following video to the International Association of Democratic Lawyers and the Portuguese Association of Democratic Jurists, on the...

Ongoing work around the world: IADL updates for December 2018

The following report is modified from the presentation given by Jeanne Mirer, President of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, to the IADL's Bureau...

IADL UN Activities Bulletin – November 2018

The latest report of UN activities from the International Association of Democratic Lawyers contains reports from IADL representatives in New York and Vienna, a statement...

IADL statement on the Colombian government’s responsibilities for peace

Español The following statement by the International Association of Democratic Lawyers was adopted at its Bureau meeting on 2 December 2018 in Lisbon, Portugal.  This November...

IADL statement on the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Arabian...

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers issued the following statement on the murder of Jamal Khashoggi at its Bureau meeting in Lisbon, Portugal, on...

IADL Resolution calling on the Philippine Government to Stop the Attacks on Lawyers

The Bureau of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers adopted the following resolution at its meeting in Lisbon on December 2, 2018, in response...

IADL calls for release of Catalan political prisoners

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) rejects and condemns the repressive action undertaken by the Spanish government against some pro-independence figures in Catalonia. IADL...