Videos: Justicia Feminista #CSW66

0 Video de la colega cubana, Dra. Daysi Vilamajó Alberdi - Perspectiva de género en el ámbito del medio ambiente y el cambio climático:

Video: Climate Justice for Women and Girls: Approaches to Combating Ecocide

0   This event was held on Tuesday, 22 March 2022 as part of CSW66. It explored how women’s civil society organizations can bring perpetrators of...

IADL Statement for COP26

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers COP 26 statement Introduction This statement addresses the climate and biodiversity crisis and suggests solutions.  The International Association of Democratic...

IADL resolution on the human right of peoples to a clean and safe environment

The IADL bureau meeting in London adopted the following resolution on climate change and the Copenhagen agenda CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE COPENHAGEN AGENDA THE HUMAN RIGHT...

Hanoi Declaration of IADL XVII Congress

HANOI DECLARATION 10 JUNE 2009 The 17th Congress of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) held in Hanoi on the theme: "Law and Lawyers in the Context...